Tenerife weather in November

Expect 21°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 6 hours of sunshine per day in Tenerife in November. Check more long-term weather averages for Tenerife in November before you book your next holiday to Tenerife in 2025/2026.

  • 21°C maximum daytime temperature in November in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)21
    21°C max day temperature
  • 6 hours of sunshine per day
  • 6 days with some rainfall in November in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)6
    6 days with some rainfall
  • 15°C minimum night-time temperature in November in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)15
    15°C min night temperature
  • 11 hours of daylight per day in November in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)11
    11 hours of daylight per day
  • No heat & humidity in November in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)0
    No heat & humidity
  • 69 mm monthly rainfall in November in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)69
    69 mm of monthly rainfall
  • UV (maximum) index 5 (Moderate) in November in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)5
    5 (Moderate) UV index
  • 22°C sea temperature in November in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)22
    22°C sea temperature

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The November weather guide for Tenerife (Playa de las Americas) shows long term weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

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Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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Fine weather November sunset from above the clouds in Tenerife
Fine weather November sunset from above the clouds in Tenerife © Lukasz Janyst - Fotolia.com

Things to do in Tenerife in November 2025

It's a sombre start to the month with All Saints' Day. Forget Valentine's Day, more flowers are sold on Todos Los Santos than any other in Tenerife as the island's families decorate the graves of loved ones with floral tributes.

The flags of Tenerife and Scotland are nearly identical, with both featuring the St Andrew's Cross as part of the design, and residents pay homage to the saint at the tail end of November. Pack paracetamol as the San Andrés celebrations can induce headaches. Whether they're in Icod de los Vinos where have-a-go heroes slide down the vertically-inclined streets on a tray as if they're riding a sleigh, or in Puerto de la Cruz where youngsters make a racket with pots, pans, and other noisy household ítems. Coinciding with the arrival of the new wine on the island, which is sold in stalls along with roasted chestnuts, a hangover is inevitable.

Also in Puerto de la Cruz, the biennial Festival Internacional de Agatha Christie takes place during November. It celebrates the famous crime writer's time on Tenerife during which she penned The Man from the Sea.

Event Location Date
Todos Los Santos islandwide 1st November
San Andrés celebrations Icod de los Vinos and Puerto de la Cruz 29th & 30th November
Festival Internacional de Agatha Christie Puerto de la Cruz every two years

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More about Tenerife

How hot is it in Tenerife in November?

Daytime temperatures usually reach 21°C in Playa de las Americas, Tenerife in November, falling to 15°C at night.

How sunny is it in Tenerife in November?

There are normally 6 hours of bright sunshine each day in Playa de las Americas, Tenerife in November - that's 58% of daylight hours.

How warm is the sea around Tenerife in November?

The average sea temperature around Playa de las Americas, Tenerife in November is 22°C.

Does it rain in Tenerife in November?

There are usually 6 days with some rain in Playa de las Americas, Tenerife in November and the average monthly rainfall is 69mm.

Tenerife November sunrise & sunset times

Browse the sunrise and sunset times for Tenerife in November 2025. Select a month to view Tenerife sunrise and sunset times for the next 12 months. The Tenerife sunrise and sunset times shown below are for Playa de las Americas.


Date Sunrise times Sunset times
Saturday, 1st November 2025 07:18 18:22
Saturday, 15th November 2025 07:29 18:14
Sunday, 30th November 2025 07:40 18:11

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