Tenerife weather in March

Expect 20°C daytime maximum temperatures in the shade with on average 7 hours of sunshine per day in Tenerife in March based on long-term weather averages. There is usually 5 days with some rainfall and 42 mm of average monthly rainfall in March.

  • 20°C maximum daytime temperature in March in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)20
    20°C max day temperature
  • 7 hours of sunshine per day
  • 5 days with some rainfall in March in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)5
    5 days with some rainfall
  • 13°C minimum night-time temperature in March in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)13
    13°C min night temperature
  • 12 hours of daylight per day in March in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)12
    12 hours of daylight per day
  • No heat & humidity in March in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)0
    No heat & humidity
  • 42 mm monthly rainfall in March in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)42
    42 mm of monthly rainfall
  • UV (maximum) index 8 (Very High) in March in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)8
    8 (Very High) UV index
  • 19°C sea temperature in March in Tenerife (Playa de las Americas)19
    19°C sea temperature

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The March weather guide for Tenerife (Playa de las Americas) shows long term weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

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Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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After winter rains, March is the greenest month of the year in Tenerife
After winter rains, March is the greenest month of the year in Tenerife © Jens Steckert - Flickr Creative Commons

Things to do in Tenerife in March 2025

Carnival can continue into March in Tenerife whilst Semana Santa (Holy Week) may start at the tailend of the month. A national religious holiday, hooded penitents known as Nazarenos take to the streets. Looking not unlike the Ku Klux Klan, they march to the beat of an eerie-sounding drum. The most evocative Semana Santa parade takes place on the cobbles of ancient university town, La Laguna. This, Tenerife's most quintessentially old-school Spanish town, is known in full as San Cristóbal de La Laguna and sits in the north of the island.

The middle of March sees the Carrera Montaña Guía de Asora / Subida a Tágara, a mountain race held in southerly Guía de Asora. Register for the 10 km walking trail, the 13 km short run, or the 34 km long run in advance or go along on the day to spectate.

The 19th March is a key date in the Spanish calendar as it's El Día de San José (Fathers' Day), recognising the role played by Joseph, husband to Virgin Mary, in the upbringing of Jesus Christ. In the case of El Tanque and La Guancha, their festivities on this day have more to do with San José being their patron saint rather than a shout out for dads.

Event Location Date
Carrera Montaña Guía de Asora / Subida a Tágara Guía de Asora either the second or third Sunday of the month depending on which one is closest to the middle of March
El Día de San José El Tanque 19th March
Semana Santa San Cristóbal de La Laguna dates coincide with Easter

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How hot is it in Tenerife in March?

Daytime temperatures usually reach 20°C in Playa de las Americas, Tenerife in March, falling to 13°C at night.

How sunny is it in Tenerife in March?

There are normally 7 hours of bright sunshine each day in Playa de las Americas, Tenerife in March - that's 58% of daylight hours.

How warm is the sea around Tenerife in March?

The average sea temperature around Playa de las Americas, Tenerife in March is 19°C.

Does it rain in Tenerife in March?

There are usually 5 days with some rain in Playa de las Americas, Tenerife in March and the average monthly rainfall is 42mm.

Tenerife March sunrise & sunset times

Browse the sunrise and sunset times for Tenerife in March 2025. Select a month to view Tenerife sunrise and sunset times for the next 12 months. The Tenerife sunrise and sunset times shown below are for Playa de las Americas.


Date Sunrise times Sunset times
Saturday, 1st March 2025 07:31 19:07
Sunday, 16th March 2025 07:15 19:16
Monday, 31st March 2025 06:58 19:24

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