St Kitts & Nevis weather by month

Check out St Kitts & Nevis weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Maximum daytime temperature °C
28°C maximum daytime temperature in January in St Kitts28
28°C maximum daytime temperature in February in St Kitts28
29°C maximum daytime temperature in March in St Kitts29
29°C maximum daytime temperature in April in St Kitts29
30°C maximum daytime temperature in May in St Kitts30
31°C maximum daytime temperature in June in St Kitts31
31°C maximum daytime temperature in July in St Kitts31
31°C maximum daytime temperature in August in St Kitts31
31°C maximum daytime temperature in September in St Kitts31
31°C maximum daytime temperature in October in St Kitts31
30°C maximum daytime temperature in November in St Kitts30
29°C maximum daytime temperature in December in St Kitts29
Hours of sunshine (daily)
Days with some rainfall
17 days with some rainfall in January in St Kitts17
14 days with some rainfall in February in St Kitts14
13 days with some rainfall in March in St Kitts13
13 days with some rainfall in April in St Kitts13
15 days with some rainfall in May in St Kitts15
13 days with some rainfall in June in St Kitts13
17 days with some rainfall in July in St Kitts17
19 days with some rainfall in August in St Kitts19
18 days with some rainfall in September in St Kitts18
20 days with some rainfall in October in St Kitts20
20 days with some rainfall in November in St Kitts20
20 days with some rainfall in December in St Kitts20
Sea temperature °C
26°C sea temperature in January in St Kitts26
26°C sea temperature in February in St Kitts26
26°C sea temperature in March in St Kitts26
27°C sea temperature in April in St Kitts27
27°C sea temperature in May in St Kitts27
28°C sea temperature in June in St Kitts28
28°C sea temperature in July in St Kitts28
28°C sea temperature in August in St Kitts28
29°C sea temperature in September in St Kitts29
29°C sea temperature in October in St Kitts29
28°C sea temperature in November in St Kitts28
27°C sea temperature in December in St Kitts27

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St Kitts & Nevis by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for St Kitts & Nevis (St Kitts) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

Top St Kitts & Nevis destinations

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Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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St Kitts and Nevis climate overview

This tiny duel-island nation lies in the north of the eastern Caribbean island chain. Both the French and the British fought over the islands for centuries, but today they exist as an independent country within the British Commonwealth. Tourism revenue is becoming increasingly important, but agriculture and light industry remain the backbone of the country's economy.

Both St Kitts and Nevis are dormant volcanoes that support lush tropical rainforest. However much of the lower slopes have now been cleared to make way for extensive sugarcane plantations, particularly on St Kitts. In contrast, the southeast peninsula of St Kitts is uninhabited with fine beaches and desert-like vegetation of cacti and yucca.

The largest colonial fort in the Caribbean can be found on top of Brimstone Hill on St Kitts. Major restoration work has returned it to its former glory and today it nestles amongst a rolling landscape of rainforest.

St Kitts and Nevis has a tropical climate with rainfall throughout the year, and the heaviest rainfall occurs inland over the mountains from July to November. February to June are drier and sunnier months, although even during this period, there will still be a few showers, particularly over the mountains.

Temperatures remain warm all year round with little seasonal variation. The coasts are usually a couple of degrees warmer than the mountains with the west coast having the best of the sunshine. Hurricanes are possible anytime from June to November.

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Compare St Kitts & Nevis with the UK

Below the St Kitts & Nevis chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for St Kitts and Nevis (St Kitts) and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°C)

St Kitts and Nevis (St Kitts)
UK (London)

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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