Mexico weather by month

Check out Mexico weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Maximum daytime temperature °C
22°C maximum daytime temperature in January in Mexico City22
24°C maximum daytime temperature in February in Mexico City24
26°C maximum daytime temperature in March in Mexico City26
27°C maximum daytime temperature in April in Mexico City27
27°C maximum daytime temperature in May in Mexico City27
25°C maximum daytime temperature in June in Mexico City25
24°C maximum daytime temperature in July in Mexico City24
24°C maximum daytime temperature in August in Mexico City24
23°C maximum daytime temperature in September in Mexico City23
23°C maximum daytime temperature in October in Mexico City23
23°C maximum daytime temperature in November in Mexico City23
22°C maximum daytime temperature in December in Mexico City22
Hours of sunshine (daily)
Days with some rainfall
2 days with some rainfall in January in Mexico City2
1 day with some rainfall in February in Mexico City1
3 days with some rainfall in March in Mexico City3
6 days with some rainfall in April in Mexico City6
10 days with some rainfall in May in Mexico City10
15 days with some rainfall in June in Mexico City15
20 days with some rainfall in July in Mexico City20
19 days with some rainfall in August in Mexico City19
16 days with some rainfall in September in Mexico City16
8 days with some rainfall in October in Mexico City8
4 days with some rainfall in November in Mexico City4
2 days with some rainfall in December in Mexico City2

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Mexico by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for Mexico (Mexico City) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

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Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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Mexico climate overview

Mexico is a vast country with attractions that range from pre-Columbian ruins and grand colonial cities to white-sand beaches and glitzy resorts. It receives over 20 million visitors a year, most of them from the United States and Canada.

Its most distinctive geographical feature is the vast central plateau, flanked by mountains, that runs through the heart of the country from the border with the United States through almost two thirds of its length. At the southern end of the plateau near Mexico City there is a band of volcanoes running from east to west. About half a dozen are active, most notably Colima and Popocatepetl.

While the plateau itself is generally sparsely vegetated, forests of pine and oak dominate the mountains to the west. Throughout the south of the country, with its lower elevations, the vegetation is more typical of the tropics, and there are still some areas of undisturbed rainforest.

Generally Mexico has a tropical climate with wet summers and dry winters, however the north of the country sees little rainfall at any time while in Tabasco and southern Veracruz there is practically no dry season.

At the beginning of the wet season, towards the end of May, rain starts falling in the south of the country. It extends northwards almost all the way up the west coast by the end of July, and up the Gulf coast by the end of September, becoming progressively lighter further north and inland.

The rains moderate between September and November, remaining longer on the Gulf than the Pacific Coast. Since rain in Mexico tends to fall mainly at night, there are still usually at least 6 hours of sunshine each day in most beach resort areas such as , even at the height of the rainy season.

On the coastal plains, including Cancun on the Yucatan Peninsular, temperatures in the summer months are hot, and heat and humidity usually very high. However once on to the central plateau the high temperatures and heat and humidity disappear.

At the southern end of the plateau, for example around Mexico City, the warmest months are April and May, just before the rains begin. Daytime temperatures through the summer are warm but everywhere at high altitudes temperatures fall at night by as much as 15°C (27°F) in summer and by more in winter.

In the dry season heat and humidity moderates a little in the southern coastal regions, but temperatures still remain hot. Generally at this time of year it is far less cloudy and quite a bit warmer on the Pacific coast at places such as Ixtapa than on the Gulf and Caribbean coasts. On the plateau in the dry season it is still warm but at night temperatures drop sharply and frosts can occur.

Mexico is prone to hurricanes that may strike from either the Gulf of Mexico or the Pacific Ocean between June and November. It has also suffered some devastating earthquakes, most recently in 1985 when thousands died in Mexico City alone. The most active faults lie parallel to the south-west coast and stretch north-west into the Gulf of California, but when they strike, earthquakes can be felt far inland.

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Compare Mexico with the UK

Below the Mexico chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for Mexico (Mexico City) and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°C)

Mexico (Mexico City)
UK (London)

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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