TUI holidays from Aberdeen Airport

Looking to depart from Aberdeen Airport (ABZ) in 2025/2026? Discover which destinations TUI offer flights and holidays from Aberdeen Airport including Majorca and Tenerife.

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  • Travel before 31st October 2026 (inclusive)

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TUI holidays from Aberdeen

Book holidays with TUI from Aberdeen Airport to over 30 destinations across Europe, and North America including Greece, Turkey and the USA in 2025/2026.

Region Country Destination
Europe France Bordeaux*
Europe France France* - any destination
Europe France French Riviera*
Europe France Marseille*
Europe France Nice*
Europe France Paris*
Europe Greece Corfu*
Europe Greece Greece* - any destination
Europe Greece Paxos*
Europe Netherlands Amsterdam*
Europe Netherlands Netherlands* - any destination
Europe Spain Spain* - any destination
Europe Spain Balearic Islands*
Europe Spain Majorca*
Balearic Islands
Europe Spain Canary Islands*
Europe Spain La Gomera*
Canary Islands
Europe Spain Tenerife*
Canary Islands
Europe Spain Costa Dorada*
Europe Switzerland Geneva*
Europe Switzerland Switzerland* - any destination
Europe Turkey Turkey* - any destination
Europe Turkey Dalaman and Marmaris Coast*
North America Canada Canada* - any destination
North America Canada Montreal*
North America Canada Toronto*
North America USA USA* - any destination
North America USA San Francisco*
North America USA Washington DC*
North America USA Florida*
North America USA Chicago*
North America USA New Orleans*
North America USA Boston*
North America USA Las Vegas*
North America USA New York*

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Playa de la Teresitas, Tenerife
Playa de la Teresitas, Tenerife © Nikolai Sorokin -

TUI flights from Aberdeen

TUI fly to Greece, Turkey and Spain, including the Canaries, Balearics and the mainland, from Aberdeen Airport. Check out the lowest fares available for these routes, flight times and frequency in 2025/2026.

Region Country Destination
Europe Greece Corfu Airport* (CFU)
Europe Spain Palma de Mallorca Airport* (PMI)
Majorca, Balearic Islands
Europe Spain Tenerife South Airport* (TFS)
Tenerife, Canary Islands
Europe Spain Reus Airport* (REU)
Costa Dorada
Europe Turkey Dalaman Airport* (DLM)
Dalaman Area

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The beach at Magaluf, Majorca
The beach at Magaluf, Majorca © Tobago 77 -

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