Victoria weather by month

Check out Victoria weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Maximum daytime temperature °C
26°C maximum daytime temperature in January in Melbourne26
26°C maximum daytime temperature in February in Melbourne26
24°C maximum daytime temperature in March in Melbourne24
20°C maximum daytime temperature in April in Melbourne20
16°C maximum daytime temperature in May in Melbourne16
14°C maximum daytime temperature in June in Melbourne14
13°C maximum daytime temperature in July in Melbourne13
14°C maximum daytime temperature in August in Melbourne14
16°C maximum daytime temperature in September in Melbourne16
19°C maximum daytime temperature in October in Melbourne19
22°C maximum daytime temperature in November in Melbourne22
24°C maximum daytime temperature in December in Melbourne24
Hours of sunshine (daily)
Days with some rainfall
10 days with some rainfall in January in Melbourne10
9 days with some rainfall in February in Melbourne9
10 days with some rainfall in March in Melbourne10
9 days with some rainfall in April in Melbourne9
10 days with some rainfall in May in Melbourne10
10 days with some rainfall in June in Melbourne10
10 days with some rainfall in July in Melbourne10
10 days with some rainfall in August in Melbourne10
10 days with some rainfall in September in Melbourne10
12 days with some rainfall in October in Melbourne12
10 days with some rainfall in November in Melbourne10
9 days with some rainfall in December in Melbourne9
Sea temperature °C
19°C sea temperature in January in Melbourne19
20°C sea temperature in February in Melbourne20
20°C sea temperature in March in Melbourne20
18°C sea temperature in April in Melbourne18
15°C sea temperature in May in Melbourne15
13°C sea temperature in June in Melbourne13
12°C sea temperature in July in Melbourne12
11°C sea temperature in August in Melbourne11
12°C sea temperature in September in Melbourne12
14°C sea temperature in October in Melbourne14
16°C sea temperature in November in Melbourne16
18°C sea temperature in December in Melbourne18

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Victoria by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for Victoria (Melbourne) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

Top Victoria destinations

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Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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Victoria climate overview

Victoria is a small but geographically and culturally diverse state of Australia at the southernmost limit of the Australian mainland. In contrast to the rest of the mainland, it has comparatively rich soils and more evenly distributed rainfall. Victoria was also the region to which most of the first settlers came in the middle of the nineteenth century, at that time in search of gold, and it is still today the most densely populated state in Australia. Its capital Melbourne was a gold rush town in the 1850's and became the capital of Australia in the early twentieth century before Canberra was established.

The Great Dividing Range runs eastwards from Melbourne, and although none of its peaks are particularly high, there are lakes and large areas of unspoilt wilderness much of it covered by eucalypt forest. In winter the higher slopes are usually snow covered. Levels of rainfall are relatively high in eastern Victoria providing sufficient pasture for dairy farming and good grazing generally.

To the west of Melbourne towns such as Ballarat and Bendigo boast a wealth of historic architecture as a reminder of their affluent gold-mining past, while along the south-west coast, the Great Ocean Road traverses one of the most spectacular coastlines in the whole of Australia.

Western Victoria is drier than the east and becomes progressively so the further north one travels, where the landscape becomes flatter, supporting fields of wheat and grazing sheep. The far north-west is the gateway to the dry deserts of Australia's outback but also to irrigation schemes along the Murray River, centres of fruit and wine production.

Over the whole state summers are mostly warm with occasional hot spells when winds from the north bring very high temperatures and the risk of bush-fires, while winters are mostly cool, never really cold except at altitude. Through most of the state rainfall is distributed throughout the year particularly in the south-east where it is usually more persistent in winter. In the north-west however summers tend to be relatively dry.

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Compare Victoria with the UK

Below the Victoria chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for Victoria, Australia (Melbourne) and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°C)

Victoria, Australia (Melbourne)
UK (London)

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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