Saudi Arabia weather by month

Check out Saudi Arabia weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Maximum daytime temperature °F
68°F maximum daytime temperature in January in Riyadh68
73°F maximum daytime temperature in February in Riyadh73
82°F maximum daytime temperature in March in Riyadh82
91°F maximum daytime temperature in April in Riyadh91
102°F maximum daytime temperature in May in Riyadh102
108°F maximum daytime temperature in June in Riyadh108
109°F maximum daytime temperature in July in Riyadh109
109°F maximum daytime temperature in August in Riyadh109
104°F maximum daytime temperature in September in Riyadh104
95°F maximum daytime temperature in October in Riyadh95
82°F maximum daytime temperature in November in Riyadh82
72°F maximum daytime temperature in December in Riyadh72
Hours of sunshine (daily)
Days with some rainfall
3 days with some rainfall in January in Riyadh3
3 days with some rainfall in February in Riyadh3
6 days with some rainfall in March in Riyadh6
7 days with some rainfall in April in Riyadh7
3 days with some rainfall in May in Riyadh3
0 days with some rainfall in June in Riyadh0
0 days with some rainfall in July in Riyadh0
0 days with some rainfall in August in Riyadh0
0 days with some rainfall in September in Riyadh0
0 days with some rainfall in October in Riyadh0
1 day with some rainfall in November in Riyadh1
4 days with some rainfall in December in Riyadh4

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Saudi Arabia by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for Saudi Arabia (Riyadh) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

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Saudi Arabia climate overview

This vast country accounts for the majority of the Arabian Peninsula. Important in the ancient world for its frankincense and then as the birthplace of Islam, today Saudi Arabia's importance lies in its unrivalled reserves of oil.

Western Saudi Arabia is dominated by a mountain chain running the entire length of the country. The narrow lowland coastal strip along the Red Sea is very humid all year, and accompanied by hot summer temperatures.

The Empty Quarter in the south is the largest sand desert in the world. This vast arid expanse of spectacular dunes can become extremely hot by day and cool by night, even cold during the winter. An average of ten hours sunshine during the summer is the norm with virtually no rain all year. The Empty Quarter is largely inaccessible by road.

In stark contrast to the rest of the country is the huge Al-Hasa oasis. This mass of lush vegetation centred on the eastern town of Hofuf, is made up of miles upon miles of date palms with tiny villages embedded within. The climate here is very hot and dry during the summer, becoming warm with occasional showers during the winter months. However, it is far enough away from the Arabian Gulf coast to escape the extreme summer humidity.

Islam's holiest city, Mecca - with the famous Grand Mosque, and the religious sites in the immediate vicinity are strictly off-limits to non-Muslims, as are the scared sites at Medina.

All visitors to Saudi Arabia require a Saudi Arabian sponsor.

Compare Saudi Arabia with the UK

Below the Saudi Arabia chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for Saudi Arabia (Riyadh) and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°F)

Saudi Arabia (Riyadh)
UK (London)

Metric (°C)  |  Imperial (°F)

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