Nigeria weather by month

Check out Nigeria weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Maximum daytime temperature °C
33°C maximum daytime temperature in January in Abuja33
35°C maximum daytime temperature in February in Abuja35
35°C maximum daytime temperature in March in Abuja35
34°C maximum daytime temperature in April in Abuja34
31°C maximum daytime temperature in May in Abuja31
29°C maximum daytime temperature in June in Abuja29
28°C maximum daytime temperature in July in Abuja28
28°C maximum daytime temperature in August in Abuja28
29°C maximum daytime temperature in September in Abuja29
31°C maximum daytime temperature in October in Abuja31
32°C maximum daytime temperature in November in Abuja32
32°C maximum daytime temperature in December in Abuja32
Hours of sunshine (daily)
Days with some rainfall
0 days with some rainfall in January in Abuja0
0 days with some rainfall in February in Abuja0
2 days with some rainfall in March in Abuja2
5 days with some rainfall in April in Abuja5
10 days with some rainfall in May in Abuja10
13 days with some rainfall in June in Abuja13
15 days with some rainfall in July in Abuja15
16 days with some rainfall in August in Abuja16
15 days with some rainfall in September in Abuja15
7 days with some rainfall in October in Abuja7
0 days with some rainfall in November in Abuja0
0 days with some rainfall in December in Abuja0

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Nigeria by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for Nigeria (Abuja) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

Top Nigeria destinations

Below are average maximum temperatures at popular countries, regions and places in Nigeria for next month - April. Select a destination to see the climate guide for all months of the year.

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Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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Nigeria climate overview

With a coastline on the Gulf of Guinea and stretching north to the borders of the Sahara Desert, Nigeria is the most populous country by far in all of Africa. Like so many other modern African states, it was a creation of European imperialism, having been a British colony until 1960.

The northern border with Niger is semi-desert with little more than hardy scrub vegetation. Winters are dry, sunny and warm by day but cold at night. Strong Harmattan sandstorms are also possible in the dry winter months. After a very hot spring, the rainy season brings thunderstorms from May to September and temperatures fall a few degrees.

The dryness of the extreme north soon gives way to savannah and open woodland, which dominates the rest of northern Nigeria. The undulating landscape rises gently to the central Jos Plateau where large expanses of grassland prevail. Summer thunderstorms arrive in early May and continue until October, during which time temperatures are warm to hot. The drier winter season runs from November to April but at this time of year strong dusty winds plague the region.

The southern half of Nigeria is much greener, as savannah grassland leads down to pockets of lush tropical rainforest towards the Gulf of Guinea coast. Forests also clad the spectacular Mambila Mountains that run along the Cameroon border. The Niger River meanders across the countryside, emptying into the Gulf via a marshy and mosquito infested delta. The coast itself is home to scenic sandy beaches and mangrove swamp.

Southern Nigeria is the country's wettest region with only a brief dry season from November to February. Thunderstorms are likely throughout the rest of the year but June and September are particularly wet. The warm or hot temperatures vary little and are accompanied by high summer humidity.

Compare Nigeria with the UK

Below the Nigeria chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for Nigeria (Abuja) and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°C)

Nigeria (Abuja)
UK (London)

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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