Holiday Planner: Search for cheap holidays by weather
Find a holiday and book your perfect trip with our Holiday Planner. Choose a departure month and the weather conditions you want, such as temperature and sunshine. Then fine tune the holiday search with preferred departure airport, board basis and more.
Please select at least one weather parameter from the Holiday Planner form below.
Metric (°C) | Imperial (°F)
Understanding our Holiday Planner
Our Holiday Planner uses average weather conditions to find holidays that best match your search criteria. The results are shown in descending order from exact match to partial match:
- 100% - exact match
- 95% to 99% - very good match
- 85% to 94% - good match
- 60% to 84% - partial match
- below 60% - we do not show destinations below 60%
Filter the holidays by your preferred departure airport, board basis and holiday duration. Alternatively, you can use our advanced destination finder to search for destinations based on the same weather criteria.
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Airport parking
- Manchester Airport
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- Glasgow Airport
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Airport lounges
- Manchester Airport
- Birmingham Airport
- Bristol Airport
- Edinburgh Airport
- Glasgow Airport
- Heathrow Airport
- Newcastle Airport
- Stansted Airport
- Gatwick Airport