Falkland Islands weather by month

Check out the Falkland Islands weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

Temperature in Falkland Islands (°C)

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Max temperature (daytime)
13°C maximum daytime temperature in January in Falkland Islands (Stanley)13
13°C maximum daytime temperature in February in Falkland Islands (Stanley)13
12°C maximum daytime temperature in March in Falkland Islands (Stanley)12
9°C maximum daytime temperature in April in Falkland Islands (Stanley)9
7°C maximum daytime temperature in May in Falkland Islands (Stanley)7
5°C maximum daytime temperature in June in Falkland Islands (Stanley)5
5°C maximum daytime temperature in July in Falkland Islands (Stanley)5
5°C maximum daytime temperature in August in Falkland Islands (Stanley)5
7°C maximum daytime temperature in September in Falkland Islands (Stanley)7
9°C maximum daytime temperature in October in Falkland Islands (Stanley)9
11°C maximum daytime temperature in November in Falkland Islands (Stanley)11
12°C maximum daytime temperature in December in Falkland Islands (Stanley)12
Min temperature (night-time)
6°C minimum night-time temperature in January in Falkland Islands (Stanley)6
5°C minimum night-time temperature in February in Falkland Islands (Stanley)5
5°C minimum night-time temperature in March in Falkland Islands (Stanley)5
3°C minimum night-time temperature in April in Falkland Islands (Stanley)3
1°C minimum night-time temperature in May in Falkland Islands (Stanley)1
1°C minimum night-time temperature in June in Falkland Islands (Stanley)1
0°C minimum night-time temperature in July in Falkland Islands (Stanley)0
0°C minimum night-time temperature in August in Falkland Islands (Stanley)0
1°C minimum night-time temperature in September in Falkland Islands (Stanley)1
2°C minimum night-time temperature in October in Falkland Islands (Stanley)2
3°C minimum night-time temperature in November in Falkland Islands (Stanley)3
5°C minimum night-time temperature in December in Falkland Islands (Stanley)5
Heat & Humidity
No heat & humidity in January in Falkland Islands (Stanley)0
No heat & humidity in February in Falkland Islands (Stanley)0
No heat & humidity in March in Falkland Islands (Stanley)0
No heat & humidity in April in Falkland Islands (Stanley)0
No heat & humidity in May in Falkland Islands (Stanley)0
No heat & humidity in June in Falkland Islands (Stanley)0
No heat & humidity in July in Falkland Islands (Stanley)0
No heat & humidity in August in Falkland Islands (Stanley)0
No heat & humidity in September in Falkland Islands (Stanley)0
No heat & humidity in October in Falkland Islands (Stanley)0
No heat & humidity in November in Falkland Islands (Stanley)0
No heat & humidity in December in Falkland Islands (Stanley)0
Sea temperature
10°C sea temperature in January in Falkland Islands (Stanley)10
10°C sea temperature in February in Falkland Islands (Stanley)10
10°C sea temperature in March in Falkland Islands (Stanley)10
9°C sea temperature in April in Falkland Islands (Stanley)9
7°C sea temperature in May in Falkland Islands (Stanley)7
6°C sea temperature in June in Falkland Islands (Stanley)6
5°C sea temperature in July in Falkland Islands (Stanley)5
5°C sea temperature in August in Falkland Islands (Stanley)5
5°C sea temperature in September in Falkland Islands (Stanley)5
6°C sea temperature in October in Falkland Islands (Stanley)6
7°C sea temperature in November in Falkland Islands (Stanley)7
8°C sea temperature in December in Falkland Islands (Stanley)8

Note: 0 = None, L = Low, M = Moderate, H = High, VH = Very high, E = Extreme

Sunshine & Daylight in Falkland Islands

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Daily hours of sunshine
Daily hours of daylight
16 hours of daylight per day in January in Falkland Islands (Stanley)16
14 hours of daylight per day in February in Falkland Islands (Stanley)14
12 hours of daylight per day in March in Falkland Islands (Stanley)12
10 hours of daylight per day in April in Falkland Islands (Stanley)10
9 hours of daylight per day in May in Falkland Islands (Stanley)9
8 hours of daylight per day in June in Falkland Islands (Stanley)8
8 hours of daylight per day in July in Falkland Islands (Stanley)8
10 hours of daylight per day in August in Falkland Islands (Stanley)10
12 hours of daylight per day in September in Falkland Islands (Stanley)12
14 hours of daylight per day in October in Falkland Islands (Stanley)14
16 hours of daylight per day in November in Falkland Islands (Stanley)16
17 hours of daylight per day in December in Falkland Islands (Stanley)17
UV Index (Maximum)
UV (maximum) index 8 (Very High) in January in Falkland Islands (Stanley)8
UV (maximum) index 6 (High) in February in Falkland Islands (Stanley)6
UV (maximum) index 4 (Moderate) in March in Falkland Islands (Stanley)4
UV (maximum) index 2 (Low) in April in Falkland Islands (Stanley)2
UV (maximum) index 1 (Low) in May in Falkland Islands (Stanley)1
No UV (maximum) index in June in Falkland Islands (Stanley)0
UV (maximum) index 1 (Low) in July in Falkland Islands (Stanley)1
UV (maximum) index 1 (Low) in August in Falkland Islands (Stanley)1
UV (maximum) index 3 (Moderate) in September in Falkland Islands (Stanley)3
UV (maximum) index 5 (Moderate) in October in Falkland Islands (Stanley)5
UV (maximum) index 7 (High) in November in Falkland Islands (Stanley)7
UV (maximum) index 8 (Very High) in December in Falkland Islands (Stanley)8

Rainfall in Falkland Islands

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Number of days with some rain
12 days with some rainfall in January in Falkland Islands (Stanley)12
11 days with some rainfall in February in Falkland Islands (Stanley)11
10 days with some rainfall in March in Falkland Islands (Stanley)10
11 days with some rainfall in April in Falkland Islands (Stanley)11
11 days with some rainfall in May in Falkland Islands (Stanley)11
10 days with some rainfall in June in Falkland Islands (Stanley)10
10 days with some rainfall in July in Falkland Islands (Stanley)10
9 days with some rainfall in August in Falkland Islands (Stanley)9
9 days with some rainfall in September in Falkland Islands (Stanley)9
9 days with some rainfall in October in Falkland Islands (Stanley)9
11 days with some rainfall in November in Falkland Islands (Stanley)11
11 days with some rainfall in December in Falkland Islands (Stanley)11
Average monthly rainfall (mm)
72 mm monthly rainfall in January in Falkland Islands (Stanley)72
51 mm monthly rainfall in February in Falkland Islands (Stanley)51
53 mm monthly rainfall in March in Falkland Islands (Stanley)53
53 mm monthly rainfall in April in Falkland Islands (Stanley)53
55 mm monthly rainfall in May in Falkland Islands (Stanley)55
49 mm monthly rainfall in June in Falkland Islands (Stanley)49
46 mm monthly rainfall in July in Falkland Islands (Stanley)46
43 mm monthly rainfall in August in Falkland Islands (Stanley)43
37 mm monthly rainfall in September in Falkland Islands (Stanley)37
38 mm monthly rainfall in October in Falkland Islands (Stanley)38
43 mm monthly rainfall in November in Falkland Islands (Stanley)43
64 mm monthly rainfall in December in Falkland Islands (Stanley)64

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Falkland Islands by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for Falkland Islands, represented by Stanley, (Stanley) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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Falkland Islands climate overview

The Falkland Islands lie exposed in the Southern Atlantic Ocean approximately 500 kilometres (300 miles) off the coast of Argentina. They remain British in territorial terms, population, and character although Argentina's long-standing claim to the islands led to a brief war between the two countries in 1982 for which the islands are probably best known.

There are two main islands, East Falkland and West Falkland, plus numerous smaller ones. The terrain is mostly hilly, becoming mountainous in just a few isolated places with areas of exposed rock. The highest peaks are snow-capped for large parts of the year with snow-cover descending to lower hills during the winter.

Because of the harsh climate there are no trees and the natural vegetation is mainly grassland. This supports over a million sheep, which produce the wool that was until recently the Falklands main export, now overtaken by the sale of fishing licences for territorial waters.

The islands are sparsely populated with less than 3000 inhabitants and just a few isolated but hospitable villages. However, they are home to an amazing variety of wildlife, including large penguin and seal colonies. Saunders Island is a world-famous breeding spot for black-browed albatross.

The climate is classified as sub-polar because in no month does the average temperature rise above 10°C (50°F). Rain falls throughout the year, becoming more frequent during the summer when cloud cover is at its maximum.

September and October sees the least amount of rain, and February and March the most sunshine. Temperatures during the winter are cold but generally only fall below freezing overnight. However in summer it never becomes particularly warm usually only rising to 15°C (59°F) in the warmest months.

Compare Falkland Islands with the UK

Below the Falkland Islands chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for Falkland Islands (Stanley) and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°C)

Falkland Islands (Stanley)
UK (London)

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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