Mauritius weather by month

Check out Mauritius weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Maximum daytime temperature °F
86°F maximum daytime temperature in January in Port Louis86
86°F maximum daytime temperature in February in Port Louis86
86°F maximum daytime temperature in March in Port Louis86
84°F maximum daytime temperature in April in Port Louis84
81°F maximum daytime temperature in May in Port Louis81
77°F maximum daytime temperature in June in Port Louis77
77°F maximum daytime temperature in July in Port Louis77
77°F maximum daytime temperature in August in Port Louis77
79°F maximum daytime temperature in September in Port Louis79
81°F maximum daytime temperature in October in Port Louis81
84°F maximum daytime temperature in November in Port Louis84
84°F maximum daytime temperature in December in Port Louis84
Hours of sunshine (daily)
Days with some rainfall
17 days with some rainfall in January in Port Louis17
17 days with some rainfall in February in Port Louis17
17 days with some rainfall in March in Port Louis17
16 days with some rainfall in April in Port Louis16
14 days with some rainfall in May in Port Louis14
13 days with some rainfall in June in Port Louis13
15 days with some rainfall in July in Port Louis15
15 days with some rainfall in August in Port Louis15
12 days with some rainfall in September in Port Louis12
13 days with some rainfall in October in Port Louis13
12 days with some rainfall in November in Port Louis12
16 days with some rainfall in December in Port Louis16
Sea temperature °F
82°F sea temperature in January in Port Louis82
82°F sea temperature in February in Port Louis82
82°F sea temperature in March in Port Louis82
81°F sea temperature in April in Port Louis81
79°F sea temperature in May in Port Louis79
77°F sea temperature in June in Port Louis77
75°F sea temperature in July in Port Louis75
73°F sea temperature in August in Port Louis73
73°F sea temperature in September in Port Louis73
75°F sea temperature in October in Port Louis75
77°F sea temperature in November in Port Louis77
81°F sea temperature in December in Port Louis81

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Mauritius by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for Mauritius (Port Louis) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

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Mauritius climate overview

Known by many as home to the now extinct dodo, a large flightless bird, Mauritius is today not only one of the main commercial centres of the Indian Ocean, but also one of its most popular tourist destinations.

Despite being technically part of Africa most of the population are of Indian origin, descendants of those who came over in the mid-to-late 19th century to work on the sugar plantations.

Mauritius had no indigenous population before the arrival of the Portuguese in the 16th century. Today it is a vibrant society noted for its British political institutions, French architecture and blend of Indian, Chinese and Creole culture.

The island of Mauritius and its neighbour Reunion are both part of an ancient undersea volcanic chain. However unlike Reunion, Mauritius is no longer active and most of the evidence of volcanic activity has long since eroded away, with the exception of the odd pillar of basalt still pointing skywards.

Mauritius consists of a broken ring of mountain ranges encircling a central tableland that slopes upwards towards the south of the island. Coastal plains surround the plateau, except in the southwest where the plateau drops off steeply into the sea.

Coral reefs almost completely surround the island providing material for the white sand beaches such as at Grand Baie for which Mauritius is so famous and which are one of the islands main tourist attractions. Inland the vegetation is lush and green. Plantations of sugarcane and tea dominate the rolling countryside.

The climate of Mauritius is tropical with no dry season, although it is slightly less wet from August to November.

From November through to April daytime temperatures are warm to hot on the coast and slightly cooler at higher elevations. At sea level heat and humidity can be oppressive and November to April is also the cloudiest and wettest part of the year.

Heavy tropical downpours are common during the afternoon, particularly over high ground and in the east, especially from January to March. However even at this time of year periods of rain are relatively short-lived and there is still a great deal of sunshine.

Between January and March the probability of a cyclone passing Mauritius is also at its greatest. However in practice there is usually only one a year that comes anywhere close to the island.

From April to November temperatures are slightly lower with July and August being the coolest months. At higher elevations temperatures at night may fall as low as 15°C (59°F) and rise to 22°C (72°F) during the day. The coast is usually 2 or 3 degrees warmer with a fairly constant breeze from the south-east.

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Compare Mauritius with the UK

Below the Mauritius chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for Mauritius (Port Louis) and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°F)

Mauritius (Port Louis)
UK (London)

Metric (°C)  |  Imperial (°F)

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