Bangladesh weather by month

Check out Bangladesh weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Maximum daytime temperature °C
26°C maximum daytime temperature in January in Dhaka26
29°C maximum daytime temperature in February in Dhaka29
33°C maximum daytime temperature in March in Dhaka33
34°C maximum daytime temperature in April in Dhaka34
33°C maximum daytime temperature in May in Dhaka33
32°C maximum daytime temperature in June in Dhaka32
32°C maximum daytime temperature in July in Dhaka32
32°C maximum daytime temperature in August in Dhaka32
32°C maximum daytime temperature in September in Dhaka32
32°C maximum daytime temperature in October in Dhaka32
30°C maximum daytime temperature in November in Dhaka30
27°C maximum daytime temperature in December in Dhaka27
Hours of sunshine (daily)
Days with some rainfall
1 day with some rainfall in January in Dhaka1
1 day with some rainfall in February in Dhaka1
3 days with some rainfall in March in Dhaka3
7 days with some rainfall in April in Dhaka7
11 days with some rainfall in May in Dhaka11
15 days with some rainfall in June in Dhaka15
15 days with some rainfall in July in Dhaka15
15 days with some rainfall in August in Dhaka15
11 days with some rainfall in September in Dhaka11
6 days with some rainfall in October in Dhaka6
1 day with some rainfall in November in Dhaka1
0 days with some rainfall in December in Dhaka0

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Bangladesh by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for Bangladesh (Dhaka) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

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Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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Bangladesh climate overview

Bangladesh is largely surrounded by India, with a coastline onto the Bay of Bengal. This predominantly Muslim country was originally part of the Indian province of Bengal, gaining its independence from Britain in 1947, and from Pakistan in 1971. It is densely populated and frequently ravaged by natural disasters.

The vast majority of the country is a lowland delta where the mighty Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers empty into the Bay of Bengal. The landscape becomes very heavily intersected by minor rivers in the south, giving rise to extensive lush marshland such as in the Sundarbans National Park.

Further north, where the fertile land is not quite as sodden, bamboo, mangoes and palms grow. In the far north there are also extensive tea and jute plantations, particularly close to the hilly northern border with India, which is known for its scenic waterfalls.

In stark contrast to the rest of the country are the hills, ravines, and cliffs in the far southeast, known as the Chittagong Hill Tracts. A rolling landscape is clad in dense jungle with idyllic lakes, and is home to a few Buddhist tribal settlements.

Light rains sweep across the country from about mid-March to mid-May, during which time the temperature gets progressively hotter. Then from mid-May the Southwest Monsoon sets in and forces widespread rain and extensive cloud across all areas ensuring that temperatures do not rise any further from the highs in May, although they still remain hot with high humidity. The rain retreats by mid-October leaving a warm, sunny, and much drier winter.

The country is prone to cyclones from May to June and October to November, as well as flooding and occasional tornadoes.

Compare Bangladesh with the UK

Below the Bangladesh chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for Bangladesh (Dhaka) and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°C)

Bangladesh (Dhaka)
UK (London)

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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