Indonesia weather by month

Check out Indonesia weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Maximum daytime temperature °C
30°C maximum daytime temperature in January in Jakarta30
31°C maximum daytime temperature in February in Jakarta31
32°C maximum daytime temperature in March in Jakarta32
33°C maximum daytime temperature in April in Jakarta33
33°C maximum daytime temperature in May in Jakarta33
32°C maximum daytime temperature in June in Jakarta32
32°C maximum daytime temperature in July in Jakarta32
33°C maximum daytime temperature in August in Jakarta33
33°C maximum daytime temperature in September in Jakarta33
33°C maximum daytime temperature in October in Jakarta33
32°C maximum daytime temperature in November in Jakarta32
32°C maximum daytime temperature in December in Jakarta32
Hours of sunshine (daily)
Days with some rainfall
17 days with some rainfall in January in Jakarta17
14 days with some rainfall in February in Jakarta14
16 days with some rainfall in March in Jakarta16
15 days with some rainfall in April in Jakarta15
14 days with some rainfall in May in Jakarta14
11 days with some rainfall in June in Jakarta11
9 days with some rainfall in July in Jakarta9
8 days with some rainfall in August in Jakarta8
8 days with some rainfall in September in Jakarta8
12 days with some rainfall in October in Jakarta12
17 days with some rainfall in November in Jakarta17
18 days with some rainfall in December in Jakarta18
Sea temperature °C
28°C sea temperature in January in Jakarta28
28°C sea temperature in February in Jakarta28
29°C sea temperature in March in Jakarta29
29°C sea temperature in April in Jakarta29
30°C sea temperature in May in Jakarta30
29°C sea temperature in June in Jakarta29
29°C sea temperature in July in Jakarta29
28°C sea temperature in August in Jakarta28
29°C sea temperature in September in Jakarta29
29°C sea temperature in October in Jakarta29
29°C sea temperature in November in Jakarta29
29°C sea temperature in December in Jakarta29

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Indonesia by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for Indonesia (Jakarta) shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

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Indonesia climate overview

Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world with over 15,000 islands ranging in size from hundreds of kilometres across to tiny palm fringed atolls. It sits astride the Equator in South East Asia stretching over 5,000 kilometres (3,200 miles) from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific, further than the distance from Los Angeles to New York.

With its rich cultural heritage and diverse population Indonesia offers travellers an enormous variety of destinations and holiday experiences. Apart from spectacular mountain volcanoes, deep tropical rainforest and miles of white sandy beaches there is history, architecture, music, dance and traditional crafts.

Indonesia is the fourth most populated country in the world and over half the 240 million population lives on the relatively small island of Java, making this the most densely populated place on earth.

The vegetation throughout the country is tropical with large areas of rainforest still standing on the islands of Sumatra, Borneo, and New Guinea. Much of the original forest on Java has been cleared for cultivation, mainly for rice, however areas of wilderness can still be found such as at the Ujung Kulon National Park in the west.

Sumatra and Borneo are much wilder than Java although increasing tracts of forest are now being cleared for rubber and palm oil plantations. Western New Guinea on the other hand is very remote and contains some of the most inaccessible places on earth.

A chain of volcanic mountains stretches down the western side of Sumatra, extending to Java and Bali and through the islands of Nusa Tenggara to the east. Within this chain there are about 70 active volcanoes, most of which have erupted at some time in the past 100 years.

Lake Toba in Northern Sumatra was the scene of a mega-volcanic eruption 72,000 years ago which, it is estimated, killed most of the inhabitants of South East Asia, while the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, though tiny by comparison, is still one of the largest in recorded history.

There are only two types of weather in Indonesia, fine and sunny or cloudy and wet. Temperatures are fairly constant throughout the year and depend mainly on elevation above sea level, while heat and humidity is high in all months. All the islands lie outside the tropical cyclone belt although some in the extreme south, such as Timor and Sumba, are occasionally affected by cyclones.

The wet season arrives in November on the north-west monsoon which blows until March bringing rain from the Indian Ocean to most of the country. Usually during this time the further west and north you are the more rain there is. However there is generally also a fair amount of sunshine during the wet season almost everywhere except in the mountains. In Bali for example, in the south of the island, there will be on average 8 hours of sunshine each day during December, January and February.

Generally drier weather conditions prevail during the south-east monsoon period from June to September especially over the islands nearest to Australia which includes Java and Bali and Lombok.

Daytime temperatures are only a degree or so cooler than during the wet season, but there is noticeably less heat and humidity at night. Unusually the central islands of the Moluccas, with destinations such as Ambon and Banda, experience their wet season during this time.

Indonesia is one of the most active volcanic and seismic areas in the world with earthquakes recorded almost every day and more volcanic eruptions than any other region in the world. The northern part of Sumatra, particularly the Aceh region, was hit hard by the Asian Tsunami of December 2004. Tens of thousands of lives were lost, and damage was extensive.

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Compare Indonesia with the UK

Below the Indonesia chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for Indonesia (Jakarta) and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°C)

Indonesia (Jakarta)
UK (London)

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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